Ahmadiyya Muslim Medical Association Australia
AMMA-Australia appeals for donations to help refugees in Thailand.
They are in dire need of food, sanitation and medical facilities.

AMMA Australia is doing good work everywhere especially in Malaysia. You should help them in this good work.
Bringing together like-minded health professionals to serve humanity
- AMMAA received its DGR status (deductible gift recipient) in early 2020.
- Waqf’ Ardi by Doctors in hospitals around the world.
- 100% donation used for the poor and needy people around the world with no administration cost.
- Strict check and balance of all the donations with internal and external audits.
- Only Medical organisation working in 9 countries across the globe namely Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan, Solomon Island, Ivory coast, Senegal, Fiji and Vanuatu.
- Spending of almost half a million on the humanitarian projects across the globe.
- Biggest Donors of humanity first in Ivory Coast hospital project, Masroor Humanity First Hospital Senegal and Pakistan.
- Working around the clock teleconferencing clinics in Pakistan and Malaysia with African teleconferencing clinic starting soon.
- MOU signed with Solomon Island, Pakistan, and Senegal hospitals.
- Acknowledgement of work on MTA and many jamaat and non jamaat papers in world.
- Scholarships to new doctors for exam support
Aims & Objectives
- Serving Humanity Worldwide
- Providing Networking Opportunities
- Mentoring Trainee Health Professionals
- Promoting Health Awareness
- Doctors for Waqf ’Ardi
Work Summary
- Callobration with Sydney homeless connect to support homeless people and elderly in nursing homes
- Free medical consultation during the events.
- Acknowledgement of front line workers during Covid 19 pandemic.
- Health lectures and awareness to mass papulation, free medical services to jamaat members at every Jamaat function.18, 000 dollars donated to jamaat to buy van for humanitarian activities of AMMA.
- 24 hrs free teleconferencing clinic and three free medical dispensaries with hundreds of Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis are benefited.
- Waqf ‘Ardi by five doctors
- Dozens of life saving surgeries including cardiac and non-cardiac surgeries
- Availability of specialists and qualified GPs just a phone call away
- Supply of much needed medical equipment
- Waqf ‘Ardi in Tahir heart institute and Fazle umer Hospital of 17 doctors
- Supply of most modern hand held cardiac ultrasound machines
- Supply of PPE including gowns, mask, gloves during the Covid Pandemic
- More than 10 lakh Rupees donation for the medicines
- Ivory Cost Hospital is a blessed project with the approval of Huzur Anwar aba
- Australia Biggest donor in the world
- 220,000 Australian dollars have already donated
- One Medical ward is dedicated to AMMA Australia
- Medical equipment worth thousands of dollars for the Masroor Humanity First hospital
- Renovation of all operation theatres
- Opening of Medical pharmacy
- Acknowledgment in many local and national papers
- Helping our refugee brothers and sisters with daily necessities of life including medicine and food
- A Heart-warming Eid celebration with our refugee brothers
- Medical equipment worth thousands of dollars for the National referral hospital Honiara Helping our Ahmadi brothers and sisters in Solomon Island
- 5 Waqfe ardi in Solomon Island
- Acknowledgment in national newspaper First ever and only Muslim news ever in national newspaper
- Honiara Flag presented to AMMA due to extra ordinary services to people of Solomon Island
After receiving permission from our beloved Huzur Anwar aba to start work in Fiji Island and on the advice of our Respected Naib Ameer sahib, AMMA Australia started its work in Fiji Island by helping the Ahmadi communities for their medical needs and organising lifesaving treatment. Our beloved Huzur aba prayed especially for AMMA Australia and for our sick brother.
Initial discussion went well in Vanuatu, work stopped due to travel restriction, Inshallah AMMA team will visit soon once conditions are favourable.
Our Services
Student Affairs
Promoting medicine as a profession, assisting, and guiding medical students in perusing their career in medicineHelping medical students to progress for successful careers.
Waqf ‘Ardi
To promote and arrange volunteering opportunities for health professionals to improve health care facilities in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) such as Solomon Island, Pakistan, and to conduct quality improvement projects.
First Aid & Health promotion
Assisting in provision of First Aid at the community’s gatherings and conventions. Promoting health awareness and basic know how of First Aid amongst general public.
Professional Guidance & Mentoring
Enabling health professionals to achieve their full potential by providing career guidance and mentoring as well as peer to peer support.
Executive Committee
Dr. Ata Rehman
Dr. Aamir Mahmood
Vice President
Dr. Munawar Rana
General Sec.
Dr. Tahir Babur
Finance Sec.
Thank you for your contributions.
Donation method
Bank account
Account name
Ahmadiyya Muslim Medical Association Australia
Commonwealth Bank
Account number